Thursday, February 16, 2012

Movie Recommend for YOU

I was fortunate to attend this AWESOME movie event the other night.  It's basically a movie about a guy named Frank, who decides he is too fat and too sick to attract love into his life.  So he agrees to be a part of an "experiment" with these crazy, loving vegetarian guys from Cafe Gratitude. What happens was far more transformational than any of them expected.

It's authentic, it's raw, it's heart warming, and ... I have a free ticket for you!

Here is where you can see a preview, of May I Be Frank -->

This offer is expired .. 
And here is where you can get a free viewing of the movie.  The promoters are friends of friends and said if I liked to movie, to share it.  So I'm sharing with you.

Enjoy!  -  Sandy

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